d. Cost Tracking 💰

Cost Tracking is essential to every single HPC workload, it’s important to be able to track costs per-user, per-project, per-slurm-partition and track these costs overtime.

There’s two different ways to setup cost tracking, each with their own tradeoffs:

  1. To see historical spend on a per-job basis, setup Slurm Accounting 🪄. This will allow you to query for job runtimes, who submitted what jobs, how many instances and duration of the job. This won’t show shared resources such as Filesystems or idle time on compute instances.
  2. To track costs per-cluster, you can tag ec2 instances, this allows you to generate reports in AWS Cost Explorer breaking down by what you tagged.

We’re going to setup the requisite scripts to tag the instances, allowing users to submit jobs like:

sbatch --comment ProjectA

And administrators to generate reports like:

Cost Explorer Project

Step 1 - create IAM Policy

In order to allow the EC2 instances to modify tags, we need to create an IAM policy that allows tagging.

  1. Go to the IAM Console > Create Policy
  2. Click on json tab and paste in the following:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:budgets::*:budget/*"
  1. Click next a few times until you’re at the “Review policy” screen.
  2. Name it pclusterTagsAndBudget

Step 2 - configure HeadNode

In ParallelCluster UI, when you create the cluster, on the HeadNode section drop down the “Advanced Options”.

  1. Turn on Multi-runner script
  2. Click “Add Script”
  3. Select the “Cost Tags” managed script
  4. Paste in the arn of the pclusterTagsAndBudget you created above.

HeadNode Setup

Step 3 - configure ComputeFleet

On the ComputeFleet section drop down the “Advanced Options”.

  1. Turn on Multi-runner script
  2. Click “Add Script”
  3. Select the “Cost Tags” managed script
  4. Paste in the arn of the pclusterTagsAndBudget you created above.

HeadNode Setup

Step 4 - review

Next, review your config. It should look similar to the following:

  Os: alinux2
  InstanceType: c5.2xlarge
    SubnetId: subnet-1234567
    KeyName: keypair
      Script: >-
      - Policy: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:policy/pclusterTagsAndBudget
      - Policy: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
      - Policy: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
    Enabled: true
  Scheduler: slurm
    - Name: cpu
          - subnet-1234567
          Enabled: true
        - Name: cpu-hpc6a48xlarge
            - InstanceType: hpc6a.48xlarge
          MinCount: 0
          MaxCount: 100
            Enabled: true
          Script: >-
          - Policy: arn:aws:iam::822857487308:policy/pclusterTagsAndBudget
  - Key: aws-parallelcluster-username
    Value: NA
  - Key: aws-parallelcluster-jobid
    Value: NA
  - Key: aws-parallelcluster-project
    Value: NA
Region: us-east-2

Step 5 - Submit Job with Project

To create a project, edit the file /opt/slurm/etc/projects_list.conf:

ec2-user=ProjectA, ProjectB
userA=ProjectA, ProjectC

In this file you’ll find a list of users and the projects associated with them. When you submit a job it’ll require you to select a project from that file:

$ sbatch submit.sh
You need to specify a project. "--comment ProjectName"
$ sbatch --comment ProjectB submit.sh
Submitted batch job 5017

You’ll see the following tags get added to the job:

Tag Description
aws-parallelcluster-username user who submitted the job
aws-parallelcluster-project project name specified in --comment <project-name>
aws-parallelcluster-jobid the id of the submitted job
parallelcluster:queue-name The Slurm partition these jobs were submitted too.

Step 5 - Create a Budget

Budgets allow us to track specific project cost over time and get alerted if we’re about to hit a cap.

  1. Navigate to the AWS Budgets Portal > Create Budget
  2. Create a Cost Budget
  3. Enter in the amount of money and frequency you desire.
  4. Select “Filter by specific AWS cost dimensions” and set the following:
Budget Item Description
Dimension Tag
Tag aws-parallelcluster-project
Project Name Name of the project, corresponding to /opt/slurm/etc/projects_list.conf

Create Budget

  1. Enter a threshold and email address to get notified when approaching the budget
  2. Modify the file /opt/slurm/bin/sbatch on the cluster and set budget="yes".
#enable or disable the budget checks for the projects

This will check the budget with the same name of the project before the user submits a job and make sure the budget hasn’t been exceeded. For example, if ProjectA’s budget has been exceeded you’ll see:

sbatch -N 100 --comment ProjectA submit.sh
The Project ProjectA does not have more budget allocated for this month.