b. Deploy ParallelCluster UI

AWS ParallelCluster UI is a web UI that built upon the AWS ParallelCluster API that you can use to create, manage, and access your compute clusters. It’s deployed as a CloudFormation stack into your AWS account and it’ll take ~20 minutes to deploy.


  1. Deploy the ParallelCluster UI stack by clicking on the link in your region. If you don’t have a preferred region use Ohio (us-east-2):
Region Launch
Ohio (us-east-2) Launch Stack (us-east-2)
North Virginia (us-east-1) Launch Stack (us-east-1)
Ireland (eu-west-1) Launch Stack (eu-west-1)
Frankfurt (eu-central-1) Launch Stack (eu-central-1)
Oregon (us-west-2) Launch Stack (us-west-2)
California (us-west-1) Launch Stack (us-west-1)
London (eu-west-2) Launch Stack (eu-west-2)
Paris (eu-west-3) Launch Stack (eu-west-3)
Stockholm (eu-north-1) Launch Stack (eu-north-1)
Middle East (me-south-1) Launch Stack (me-south-1)
South America (sa-east-1) Launch Stack (sa-east-1)
Canada (ca-central-1) Launch Stack (ca-central-1)
Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) Launch Stack (ap-northeast-1)
Seoul (ap-northeast-2) Launch Stack (ap-northeast-2)
Mumbai (ap-south-1) Launch Stack (ap-south-1)
Singapore (ap-southeast-1) Launch Stack (ap-southeast-1)
Sydney (ap-southeast-2) Launch Stack (ap-southeast-2)
GovCloud West (us-gov-west-1) Launch Stack (us-gov-west-1)
  1. The AWS Console opens on the AWS CloudFormation panel to deploy your stack. Update the field AdminUserEmail with a valid email to receive a temporary password in order to connect to the ParallelCluster UI. Leave the other fields with their default values and click Next to proceed to Step 3.

ParallelCluster UI install ParallelCluster UI install

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Stage 3 page (Configure stack options) and click Next.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Stage 4 page (Review) and click on the the two tick boxes to create new IAM resources. Once done, click on Create stack.

ParallelCluster UI install

The stack is deploying using AWS CloudFormation. It will take ~20 minutes to deploy the AWS ParallelCluster API and ParallelCluster UI GUI. In the meantime, you will complete the first part of the lab. Continue to the next page to define the configuration of your first HPC system in AWS.

Ensure that you entered a valid email when deploying the ParallelCluster UI stack. This email will be used to send you the credentials to connect to ParallelCluster UI. If the email you will have to delete and recreate it which may delay your progression.